Belt-Fed PU-21 Quad Feed
Belt-Fed PU-21. 17 killstreak on Stakeout.
Remember, switching to your other belt-fed machine gun is always faster than reloading
Please bring back 24/7 Bullet
Black Ops 6 Bread Photogrammetry scans (Artstation)
More Belt-Fed Propaganda. My First 15 Killstreak in BO6.
What do you think is the most overrated car ever?
Had to make sure I saw that right.
Hot take : why I think liberty falls is one of the best maps we got in years , if not the best map
Finally unlocked all mastery camos!
best weapons (guns) encounter. loadouts for hardcore?
BO6 IRL Weapon Builds Vol. 8
[COD] If they were in a 1v1, who would most likely win
First ever in all of my cod years
What are some zombies maps that have grown you?
The D1.3 Sector gets so much fun to use once you unlock the bouncing blades
Sometimes the random "Somebody does all the killing and one player plays the objective" actually works out.
If you wanna play Team DeathMatch THEN PLAY TDM!!!!!!!
[COD] Why don't you play objectives? Just a curiosity for the sake of understanding.
Saw this shot on another sub, it really shows how awfully gigantic this car is
[BO] In Your Opinion, Which Gun From Call of Duty History Has the Coolest Firing Sound?
Switching to your secondary is faster than reloading
Using the same attachments on every gun
I decided to try the game again... why is there a sudden mass of master prestige level players on console? Or am I forgetting how easy it is to level up?
Let chat about the DM56 marksman rifle