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That Free-For-All on Subsonic was a refreshing change of pace...
It's quite the jumpscare how the Blaine County serial killer spawns so close to you and sprints towards you with a machete.
What the frick happened here?
Wanna play RDR1 for the first time after getting obsessed with RDR2, but is it even worth it at this price???
The Skinner Brethren. I'm not a big fan.
Sometimes the random "Somebody does all the killing and one player plays the objective" actually works out.
19F Make me cry
27M hit me hard with it
Probably my luckiest survival/kill combo yet.
"If other kids were to jump off of a bridge, would you do to?" Why, yes, mom, yes I would.
This game is still so beautiful to this day.
I live off ramen and solve Rubik’s cubes as a hobby. It can’t get any worse. Have at it
Grill me worse than gordon ramsey
go crazy f 18
As a newb in GTA: Online, this one really caught me off guard. Reminded me of them Night Folk ambushes in RDR2.
That conversation escalated quickly.
I wouldn't have thought that stunt would be completed successfully.
That one time I said "I love you".
I had the rare occurrence of having a good reaction time this afternoon. Thanks, Mr. Coffee!
Trevor's demeanour towards this lady is hilarious.
Roast me!!!
Had a close call while hunting in Bayou Nwa
23F you can say what ever you want
All my teeth are real. Go Awff!