Am I weird for not feeling old at 30?
Brzenk vs Kanai - John's last match?
Ejaculation question
JRPGs with good turn-based combat?
Half Life 2 RTX I 4070 Super + 13900k I 1440p Max settings
God tier racing games. The Wipeout series really does has the best music.
A game in steam to just cry
thank you FitGirl, this game is dope
I think I will never finish my backlog even if I never buy another game in my life
Ryan Bowen again trying hard to justify himself regarding making weight
AMD Says It Has Sold Over 200,000 Radeon RX 9070 Series GPUs In The First Batch, Promises Better Products In The Future
As a bodybuilder I love the arm wrestling community
What's the most depressing horror game you know of?
What is your favorite match of all time?????
Call of Duty Veteran Jason Blundell Is Founding a New PlayStation Studio Called Dark Outlaw Games
Paying a toll because you made a mistake ❌ Writing off your car instead ✅
AMD Reaches 45% GPU Market Share In Japan, Achieving Peak Market Share And Is Even Aiming Higher
IGN's Top 25 PS1 vs N64 games... 'This or That'?!?
how much gear do you think Bacho, Levan, Irakli etc. Georgians are on
How did Michael Todd get the nickname "Monster"?
Of course Ryan posts his match with Tom, & disables the dislike button
Ryan Bowen disabled dislikes lol