Dismissed from OCS
VOO 6 months ago
command sponsorship
I haven’t been able to login into IPPSA for 4 days
Anyone understand how to get thought CCC Civil Affairs?
Some New Toys Being Tested Out At NTC
Confusing on my unit projections
Will i be be able to get a tattoo of this on my leg and join the army will the army let me?
So I'm having the opposite issue I thought I would be having, I'm losing weight rapidly after getting out and don't know why
How bad is Fort Hood currently?
Leave travel to Guam
The Army wants AI to take physical risk off of its soldiers
My YMAB is next month
Cloned my 120 GB SSD to a new 500 GB SSD
Reserve Officer Interested in Taking Orders to Korea
Shipping to Italy
Shipping POV CONUS from OCONUS
is this normal?
Wildest 5988 entries?
Anyone know what GPU this is
Wear of proper rank without being pinned
wipers don't go all the way down