Screw it I'll hop on the trend, here's my collection
So I'm having the opposite issue I thought I would be having, I'm losing weight rapidly after getting out and don't know why
ID on space chest rig
I assume that the Post-apocalyptic World was much deficient in Entertainments so that THIS was seen as a recreation
Poor man opscore amps
Do you care about the past ? Or do you try to forget
Does anyone else like having a Temu brand Kellogg wandering around your Sanctuary?
Behold: The bowling ball bin
So, what did you eat today Romans?
How I've felt the past week or so
Me sitting in a corner with my SA-35 while the other handgun owners argue with each other
Settlement under attack message?! (Base game or mod?)
90% might be a bit generous
Old heads(2013 & before), what differences do you primarily notice between gen x, millenial, and gen z soldiers?
What's this game for you?
Names for a Stryker that start with "K"
Stop !
gun meme
My modern punt gun is done
Goddamn glorious is what this is
Someone tell Nic. I have a feeling a 1911 is going to be his immediate next purchase once he sees this.
Here to kick ass and eat butterscotch candy
Repair broken carrot
Did all my research with Internet Explorer (I hope it's not outdated yet)
Corporatepunk (if corporations made stuff that actually looks cool)