VR Fitness – Worth It or Just a Gimmick?
Is it worth getting Live 12 Intro?
Looking for a simple, characterful analog delay to use with synths.
Kallax FTW
My first setup. It's not much and I have a lot to learn, but I'm having a ton of fun.
How many of you dick chickens are pulling for philly tonight?
How should you “correctly” pronounce the names of all the maps?
ISO 90's-2010's funny bad movies with awful CGI and green screen work
Smash Was Loved
what are your opinions on the slip?
Volca Drum +SP404SX Jam
Dragged Across Concrete [2018]
I got one pedal. Then another and after a while I had to build myself a pedal board.
What a Volca Drum sounds like with a DOD Meatbox.
Who likes cars
What do you do when you use all 16 programs?
Finally purchased a home. Started on my music room. This is the cleanest the room will ever be!
Dating “The Funniest Guy that has Ever Lived” but Doesn’t Know What a Bit Is?
Instruments that can use 'just intonation' as oposed to 'equal temperament' tuning?
Why do so many songs use a squeaky door in their songs?
Looking for a synthesizer for my wife. I know nothing about them.
Audio deterioration when recording, too many cables, too many pedals?
What’s a Show so Deep, That You’re Still Thinking about it Years Later?
Matan asks about the least funny comedians, the Bobby controversy and Bapa (very long)