Who’s y’all’s favorite Sanrio character???
Why is it whenever I tell people my profession, they feel the need to “trauma dump”
On the fence about surgery?
Why did Gold want Emma as sheriff?
Minu Eesti pitsakohtade tierlist. Ootan huviga tagasisidet.
why did your last relationship end?
Help Wanted!
Her edit vs Photographer's pic #instagramreality
Thoughts on why it feels good to pull
I finally got one. I’m in my cosy game element.
Since we can craft gamer room stuff this month, I made myself a cute lil bedroom! 😍
The laziest egg this week?
Papers?? Paper?? Meowmy I wanna eat paper!!!!!!!
Hello Kitty Island Adventure Megathread
Why do fat people smell off?
Hair toppers for women?
Post pictures of your purebred RB WITH PAPERS FROM A BREEDER.
This is so annoying
Has anyone here tried GLP1s? What made you decide for surgery over medication?
Millist veterinaari või loomakliinikut Tartus soovitate? Minu oma on tore ja asjalik, kuid ei ole lõpuni kiisu tervisemurele lahendust leidnud; tahaks teise arsti mõtteid kuulda.
Realistic grocery haul
some ask.fm gems taken from mr snowflakes recent video
Milliseid tooteid te kunagi ei osta tavahinnaga?