I cannot sleep at night, All I do is stare at my newborn
My 1MO doesn’t feel like a person to me. Anybody else relate? If so, I’m curious when that switch flips.
9mo won’t take bottles anymore
Get A Leg Up - If You Need Pants!! 👖
I’m feeling really insecure about my hands
Anyone's kid off the charts and the stablise?
What do you find yourself constantly saying to your baby on a daily basis?
I just lost my big bear of 14 years and heartbroken. Send me your goofyest pyr pics to distract me
Girl Cat Names-tell me yours please!
What’s the best podcast you’ve ever listened to?
Anyone else have a Pyrenees mix?
Not everyone is ditching DEI
Things you DIDN’T need ?
How do I get over my fear my LO is going to get sick?
Help, I assembled my dog wrong
Toddler eating habits
11 month old won’t sleep if I put him down- I’m loosing it
Harvey, the rescue, does NOT like the snow! 🥶
Calling all breeds! Share what mix is your pyr?
The Story of Our Dog Everest
You have intruders in your house and are heavily armed & prepared. What song do you tell Alexa to play?
How cold is to cold for them
What is the worst/weirdest/most inconvenient place you’ve ever breastfed your lo?
Husband thinks 2yo is too old to breastfeed
Can Murphy Join The Club?