What Films that spawned Sequels do you prefer as a Standalone Slasher ?
What are some of your likes and dislikes of the Halloween franchise?
How would you Rank these slasher Reboots?
Sequels that seem like they're set in an Alternate Universe
Love all the Scream movies but I only consider the Trilogy Canon
What’s your top three of the Leprechaun franchise?
Barnes & Noble find
After Dewey and Randy, Anika has the most saddest death in the franchise. Poor Mindy😢
Girly horror movies
What do you think about this movie?
Thoughts on Freddy vs Jason?
Halloween 8 was a trip
What’s your Halloween final girl ranking?
What’s something you appreciated about RZ’s Halloween?
Who else is excited for the upcoming IKWYDLS sequel?
This guy is the most annoying character on the show (New Viewer, S7)
Do you think Fright Night (2011) is a good remake?
What do you guys think about the Scream TV show?
Laura Vanderbooben's the name
Favorite Slasher Trilogy?
What’s your Mt Rushmore of final girls?
Are you a fan of Rob Zombie’s Halloween (2007) ?
The three underrated slashers of the 70's
Scream IV (2023) released on this day 2 years ago ! What’s your honest opinions on the film?
Name an overhated slasher that you don't feel deserves the hate