TIL Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ("Pre code" 1931) was basically about Dr. Jekyll being really horny.
mRNA vaccine: Indian-origin doctor creates game-changing mRNA vaccine for pancreatic cancer | - The Times of India
Blair Adams, 31, told friends that someone was trying to kill him. He left Canada and went on the run. He'd be found murdered just days later on July 11th, 1996, in Knoxville, TN (around 2,600 miles away from his home). His case is still unsolved.
Elmont parents demand to no longer play Bellmore-Merrick SD over a history of race issues
Mini-blackouts this week, with a bunch today?
My grandpa and uncle on Catalina island 1972
Man lives for 100 days with artificial titanium heart in successful new trial
Jeremy Grantham Warns US Stocks Are About to Be Crushed
National Parks Had a Record Year. Trump Officials Appear to Want It Kept Quiet.
Andrew Cross death: YouTube star dies following horrific accident, aged 36
Diabetes Breakthrough: Fish Oil May Reverse Insulin Resistance
TIL government funded research was used in the development of every one of 356 drugs approved in the US, in the decade 2010-2019.
Paying for market data is a game changer
Can someone explain why Trump is so sympathetic to Russia?
Level 2 CBOE quotes for spx options don't really show depth, unless I have wrong data subscription.
Serial killer Ed kemper with prison guards at the California medical facility, showcasing his 6'9 stature.
Not seeing Level 2 for SPX options, even though I "think" I subscribe.
TIL of Frances Perkins, first woman cabinet member, longest serving Secretary of Labor, and creator of Social Security
stop getting faked out—how i trade ES, NQ, YM, and RTY together
TIL William Shatner told Star Trek fans to "get a life". In a 1986 'Saturday Night Live' skit, the actor tells obsessed fanboys "it's just a TV show!" The SNL segment accurately portrayed Shatner's feelings about Trekkies, who had unrelentingly pestered him since the original 1960s 'Star Trek'.
This Shocking Moment at a GOP Town Hall in Idaho Is a Foreboding Sign
Solar power has exploded in popularity as wind lags, report shows
Exercise may help patients with colon cancer live as long as those who never had it, study suggests