Energy dashboard (2024): will you show me yours if I show you mine?
Baking the first pizza in my new oven. I like it ! 😍
This rolled through the campground today.
The Qontinent: The Final Edition 2024 - Closing Show
Not the winner of the Olympic triathlon in Paris 2024 but finally he had his moment of glory.
Made a podcast logo
Somebody knows what this speaker icon mean? It appeared suddenly and can't get rid of it.
Very small amount reading of gas from P1 port
Bunch of Synology AV threats for PBS 3 in .chunks folder
EOL Mode in VCDS
Start of endshow at Qontinent 2023
Updated TOOLcore Guide
Has anyone else lost the will to go on?
The Western Jackdaws are queuing up. Enough food for everyone!
Something for you all to maybe get a chuckle from.
Jailbroke an old Surface 2 RT with Windows 10, repurchased it to be a wall tablet, unfortunately it can't run Lovelace dashboard no matter how hard I tried, but it can at least do HADashboard from Appdaemon!
Surface 2 RT wall mount case
My computer came in an hour ago. As soon as I turn it on I’m forced to sign into windows 11 and set up a pin. Please how do I get past the pin page. I’ve tried disconnecting the internet to no avail. SOS
This European robin was super hungry but still had time to strike an awesome pose at my Bird Buddy feeder! 😍#birdbuddy
Visitors not leaving postcards?
to reveal the winner with a flamethrower.
[F1 22] Thrown over the barrier, with the result OP got the fastest laptime in Baku City
I need this level of self control