Who’s your favorite post season 10 character I’ll start…
Does anyone else think Teddy and Owen need to go?
My friends keep recommending this show but I haven't watched it yet, AMA and I’ll answer like I know the answer
What is your MOST UNPOPULAR, I repeat, ACTUALLY unpopular opinion
I've been watching this show since day one i hope season 5 will be good what do you guys want for a ending?
Guess my favourite character
Manifesting them getting married in the epilogue
Favourite supporting characters?
As much as Neil is a POS
Eastside-Lumax Edit
this exena made me laugh and cry at the same time 🥲
Mike sensing El in the void has to be the milevenest thing this show has ever milevened
Your Top 5 Alec Benjamin Songs?
One thing you hate about the show overall
what’s a character/s that you can’t stand for no reason?
Traumatize your fandom with one image
I never realized Derek missed so many weddings until now.
How would season 22 look like if you could write it?
For you, what song would save you from the vecna attack? For me I think it would be Bohemiah Rhapsody by the band Queen
Best greys character ever?!
When Grey hugs back Blake (S12:E23)
What scene lives rent free in your head
End of season 8
Choose 3