I got 20 kills with Krag-Jorgensen and Model 27 in 1m30s, I got really lucky here lol. Or maybe I finally started getting good after 800 hours of aggressive sniping
After 500+ hours of playing with a sniper rifle, I made a guide and tried to present it in a fun way. What do you think?
So I've played over 400 hours (188 rank) with Jungle Carbine and I am often accused of foul play.
The best killstreak I've ever done in 1300 hours of gameplay
Anti camp shot
I feel sorry for the guy on the right
fast and efficient
got them
I killed some guys
I eliminated some guys and I thought that was neat.
quit the game after 1000 hours and got a small compilation of really cool moments
I'm really sorry for the guy on the right
quit the game and got compilation of really cool moments
teaching my gf to snipe. she's getting a formidable enemy isn't she?
I think this headshot is really neat
Compilation of some snipes and pure skill watch this 👀
Okay I'm gonna speak English only and homophobic
Kicked for no reason. BoB server, PC. Didn't write anything in the chat, didn't use a toxic weapon. KD 22-2. At the same time, BoB themselves are playing with Type 2a and M2 carbine🤡🤡🤡
Camper snipers deserve to die like this
One day...
Any mod to make Morrowind more difficult?
how we communicate in l4d2 with my friend in a nutshell
Is it possible to create a poison in vanilla Morrowind or I only can create potions?
@ Day For Night, 2016
How can i edit a map without breaking it? (edited an invisible wall with hammer editor)