if dragon looked more like garp
this is how usopp will reach his dream thx to the holy knights
did dragon go through the same transformation as denjiro
I need to know the eldritch horror that garp shagged to produce that from THIS
sommers: Rosemon
Of Course It Was Removed
would you transform if you ate one of these 2 smiles
alternative universe: mihawk appear in episode 1
Give me your best agenda/slander
What Gear 4 form is your favorite?
why shanks didn't do this in episode 1
if luffy looked like this would you like him as much
i just realized yassop was just nearby when his wife was dying
i think this zombie (jigoro) was supposed to be oden then oda changed his mind
kuma got rid of blackbeard (alternative universe)
kuma save the day (alternative universe)
alternative universe
prets chopper's opinion about current monster point
prets monster chopper was so cool
if zoro cut lucci for real
This is what Zoro finishers attacks should look like if Oda had balls.
if akainu extended his arm a little more
luffy spitting
the hypocrisy in one piece
if enel had haki in here, we wouldnt see one piece shippuden in 10 years