What's another Karen name for you?
Flip phone with nearly no apps!!
KY-42C Info and Review
How many people with your first name did you go to school with?
Have you stuck to your dumbphone or did you switch back after some time?
Is literally everyone in U.S. struggling paycheck to paycheck?
My friend stole my pregnancy tests
BEST idea or WORST idea ever for an accessory??
What age were you during your first pregnancy?
I’m unplugging from mind control and getting a LightPhone 3
Are there any girls my age who also think that we should go back to keypad phones and likes the 2000s lifestyle and tech?
Frustrated I cannot function without a smart phone
Baby Girl Names - Uncommon but not weird
Am I overreacting for how the people in my bookclub are responding to a new member?
What did pregnancy get you out of this week?
The only thing I miss from my iphone
Porn addiction
When did you get your first ultrasound?
It blows my mind how little we’re taught about reproduction - what are some pregnancy things you’ve learned that others might not know?
What's something that's surprised you, in a good way, about your pregnancy?
Lots of posts of moms hating their husbands but
When a pastor retires, how do you address him
Changing my last name
Why Is Reddit Losing It?
At&t and KY-42C