She just had to reply to that comment
quitting fisch
Is lexity a lolcow?
Live Clip 3/6
Another clip 3/6
Post/Comment Allegations Against r/Lexity
Talking about people harassing her girlfriend and threatening to call CPS. Says she contacted a lawyer
Her last public crash out..
Meet up with friend
Was this worth it?
Kept wondering why Lexity was making new accounts to upvote herself. I’m not saying what folks should do. I’m going to leave this information here.
Why is this happening. Only on mobile 💀
Please post all things related to Anya/Lexity’s subreddit in this thread 💕
comments from recent deleted reddit post
all because a couple people made song requests
justice for sam nordquist. a young man was murdered and tortured in new york simply for being trans and existing.
Lex compares herself to the Chicago Park Five and the Tulsa Race Massacres
recent post directed to this sub
Messages posted on rage account pre-deletion
She's disgusting for these comments.
I’m at a breaking point
Her alt accounts