Luckyest summon ever
I am finally one of the cool guys
I need a man’s opinion: Hairy or Shaved?
Tell me how loose I am 😏
Atena costume bonus "bug" or "feature"?
Wtf is this? 😂😂 First stage, 5 waves. Yellow can be used 2 times. 10 stages. How smaller levels should suppose to enjoy this game with quest like that? Game became ridiculous. I don't even have so much yellows to finish it and I'm lvl 75.
És declarado Ditador supremo de Portugal, o que fazes para melhorar o país?
Moving to Lisboa from Ireland
Do I just have terrible luck, or am I missing something?
Impressive how well Portugal has done on Vaccination. Very proud!
[OC] The race to vaccinate
Não sei o que esperar da minha vida! Sinto-me desanimado e sem expetativas
First Limit break hero.
Which one deserves emblems?
Which 5* blue?
Factory girls
Is an inactive high-cup account bad for my alliance?
Love to draw the good things in bad times...
100 TC20 pulls - A short summary
What is it with all the Russian cheating in the game?
Just got this gem on first pull of the day. Is she worth leveling?
Scored Black Knight! What’s the best team to put around him?
Not special to anyone but me. Yeah baby!
That board looks legit !
First ever 5*tc20 trained hero I've ever achieved..
Need help; which Dark soldier should join this merry band and replace the trusty Layla?