Love the house but the kitchen definitely needs some love. Not sure what would look best especially with the black countertops. Any advice?
I’m planning a wedding and I’m not happy.
Custom Scent Combos
Any jobs that are hiring?
Recovery advice
AITA for giving a fake name at Starbucks?
Should I get a personal injury attorney?
Should I go to the hospital ER again?
Should I go to the Emergency room again? Even though I already went a week ago?
Brown blood and tender breast concern
My mom’s store was broken into today and this was written on the broken window. We have no idea what it says. Please help
I just gave cpr to my friends grandmother
Thoughts After a Month of TJOL
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders (literally)
Can’t stop listening to Misadventures
Our season might already be over.
AITA for letting my stepdad embarrass himself in front of the family (on purpose)?
AITA My GF wouldn't cover for me when I used her company card.
How attractive would you say you are?
AITA for using my boyfriend's photo as a phone background?
(BDSP) trade back evolution help
I hate working out with big boobs
AITA for telling my nephew to make amends with his estranged sister?