Illari pylon now matches your weapon variant
Illari pylon now matches your weapon skin
Venture has a new hero portrait!!!
$100 for all 10 skins + extras? This is utterly laughable and greedy as hell. I'm hoping most of you guys don't purchase this bundle
Are mercy players even allowed to t-bag
The next comp skin
Who did you choose to have your first GALACTIC WEAPON?
What’s the most annoying thing in Overwatch 2 right now?
Frame drops on ps5
Le Sserafim skins
has anyone else gotten their first galactic weapon yet? if so, who for?
Hot take: Ramattra rework should come back as selectable perk.
I think Freja might be the most boring designed hero in overwatch history.
Okay but can we get Wicked themed skins?
What is your unpopular opinions/hot takes?
Y’a t-il des gens dans ce monde qui ne sont pas suicidaire ?
Mon copain rêve de devenir obèse... que faire ?
When the ban system launches, who are you banning?
Unfair Permanent Ban in Overwatch 2 – Need Help!
Perm bans for chat violations are stupid.
I haven’t received my Gamepass ultimate rewards
Overwatch SMS rant
They actually cooked.
People before vs after the return of loot boxes
People in this game don’t even have fun anymore and it shows