yes, my daughter eats at the table
I think my tiel got a BBL🤨
Receiving signals 🤖
The tongue 💀
We pick up our baby boys tomorrow!!! How does everything look??
Owning a bird and rodent?
Look at the cranium on this thing
Sticker Time App [fully lost]
Anyone else’s tiels pretend to eat?
hamburger loaf
Cockatiel Puffed up and Sleepy
uni-tiels are real🥹
First time my boy's voice is being recorded! He sounds like a chicken 🐔 🐔🐔🐔
I think she hates my pets 😭
Housing cancellation fees
What’s your tiels favorite pellets? + any other advice for a new bird owner
Olympic Long Jump Champion!!!
Doesnt matter how you hold her as long as you are scratching her!
The peeping scritcher
My young budgie seems to be really sick
For those who have female bird, what’s their personality like?
The most nonchalant bird in existence
Upside down horizontal scritch loaf