What is the numbers equivalent of Excel's (1)'Data'->'Clear all filters' and (2)Ctrl-D or Ctrl-R to copy from a previous/above cell?
Help me identify my cryptid pins
Why do people still start restaurants if they fail 90% of the time?
On this day 11 years ago , MH370 disappeared over the Southern Indian Ocean.
What is a dead giveaway that someone finds you attractive?
Mistake on a job
Most People in Marketing Are Completely Useless
I saw a gnome in my room (repost since my old acc got deleted)
🔥This kayaker gets approached by an otter every time he visits a lake. The otter was orphaned after the mother was in an accident, and the man helped it throughout it's rehabilitation process to later release it back into the wild.
What do you guys do to combat stress?
I'm looking for a post/drawing made about a humanoid sighting.. the post was made about 18-24 months ago and had a drawing of a tight-suit wearing, almost-human emerging out of some bushes somewhere in on of the southwestern states. Experiencer heard the craft prior to the incident while on a trail.
What's the creepiest display of intelligence you've come across?
Eric Davis "We couldn't understand the propulsion, Lacatski went inside the UAP and they didn't find any energy source or propulsion system"
What would happen if I paid employees well above average and took 10-15% margin instead of 20-30%?
Study Finds That People Who Entrust Tasks to AI Are Losing Critical Thinking Skills
The encounter of 19-year old Sven Perssons, who was taken onboard a craft by two humanoids and was shown a strange animal-like creature onboard. [Location and date: Near Pitea, Sweden. March, 1949.]
What is this component ?
What’s a company secret you can share now that you don’t work there anymore?
People who give job interviews, what are some subtle red flags that say "this person won't be a good hire"?
I spent 24 years on submarines, AMA
Looking for an app to allow volume control on external speakers via HDMI
What if we're living in a brain cell of another creature?
Creepy reactions when I tell people in my lucid dreams that I'm dreaming