Latest purchase
New Purchase - Leddy Vaqueros, Hand Tooled
Lucchese sent me the wrong toe shape.
BOTD - SA Lucchese Teju Lizard for Monday
I am one lucky man
Giraffe boots for the win
Full Eel?
Maker Identification?
Date Night Gators
Welp. They were on sale and couldn’t say no
BOTD - SA Seville for Friday - GOAT
BOTD - Sneaky Snakes - Nocona Boa
I guess it's San Antonio Friday!
Keep or return?
San Antonio Friday
BOTD - Ring Tail on the Trail
Tony Lama Signature Series
BOTD - Pangolin Rhymes with….
BOTD - Tong Lama Shrunken Bull Hide
Today’s BOTD, Black Jack Navy Snapping Turtles….
Me and my boys went to the rodeo last weekend
My feet have never been so comfortable in a boot.
BOTD - Hard Charging Rhinos for Monday - Dan Post
Nocona Red Cape Buffalo