Please repeat with me: I don't need 10G internet
Compañia de gas barata y fiable?
Chili Rasbora glass surfing
Factura de gas
While most of Europe will experience spring, dry, and sunny weather this week, the Iberian Peninsula will face heavy rainfall (Accumulated precipitation map for the next 7 days,
Lay out for my coming 100p
coating copper plate with thin layer of tin
10gal 45P planted tank progression
Can you make a decent Linkedin picture from this? Is it possible to remove some parts of the jacket from my neck? I don't need a suit or anything fancy. I only want it to look a little bit more formal
One cup HC cuba
TIL that Amano shrimp can eat alternanthera
I have to move this bowl about 15 ft, it's full of shrimps I'm afraid to drain it too far, it's not intended for an aquarium so it's pretty thin. Do you think I'll be okay draining it? Don't want the shrimp to die
Fish 'tank' ad found on Pinterest
Gas y Luz
Is this soil okay?
3 months evolution of my 45cm tank after many rescapes and plant growth.
Panda cory temperature
Are these readings any good for a 145L tropical fishtank?
Plant ID please
1st Week Ammonia Test
Why is my plant wilting ?
Ice formation under furnace vent?
Freshwater fish tank need help!
Plants that don`t take to much space on the ground, but rather grows high and leans over making shelter for the fish?
Recently got my first batch of pygmies, why is this one so…weird?