[OC] Stress as a balkan kid.
[OC] Never show weakness to your bullies! (Old comic of mine :) ).
My Commissions are still Open!🤗❤️⤵️
[OC] Perspective.
When you lost so much weight so it shows on the hands LOL, my ring was screaming in the first pic ahahahah.
Since I can’t post on /gymemes anymore, here’s my comic for today!
[OC] Last money - based on true real life events from months ago, hahaha.
[OC] My unpaid therapist.
Any little support for a custom drawing/doodle!🌟
I promise I’m stronger than that…
Welcome everyone! First post.
Special VDay custom art❤️🌟
[OC] So, how many sets do you have left?!
I already have all my gym-comics made up for this year! I’m so excited to share them all. I’ll be posting 3x/week as usual.🤗🤗❤️
I’m sorry for the confusion, as an european I misspelled the lbs :).
How do you keep motivated to keep going to the gym?
[OC]When you’re late than usual at the gym and you also notice the same person you’ve been seeing in the past 6mo all the time…maybe that was my sign to make my first gym-friend?!
[OC] Gym Person
[OC] Hair Wash Day.
[OC] Gym Saved My Life - my 150lbs down story.
Custom Pets/People Portraits Open
[OC] Gym Saved My Life -my 150lbs down story-
[OC] Rest Day
F/25/6'1" [341 > 185 = 156lbs] (1 year 2mo). From a ‘couch potato’ to a ‘rest day is only cardio day’ person.