Saw this on some NRI sub, Are Sanghis really this open about being Sanghis abroad? What do they say when you ask them "Why did you leave India? "
High paying careers in india?
How would India have changed if the Mongols successfully invaded?
What to gift on Reception?
Do you'll agree that ulemas must be educated in present day education along with religious ?
Job Post - Endress and Hauser
Job Post - Teradata
Role of women is shaping some of the greatest scholars
An Alternative to Loudspeaker Azan: A Home-Based Radio Transmission Idea or an app Thoughts?
What's your opinion on this??
Saw this gem in the comment section
Car buying suggestion ?
Do north Indian muslims have distant relatives in Pakistan due to partition🤔?
Is orthodox Islam possible without Sufism? - Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad (Dr. Timothy Winter)
Shab-e-baraat / Nisfu Sha'baan is a bid'at
Any reviews of this company that offers halal (?) financing options for buying property?
'UCC will never be a secular law,' says panelist during discussion on constitutional principles at JLF
Harada on a potential SC7
Indiaspeaks thinks there are no liberal muslim voices
Where are the Indian Muslim liberal and progressive voices?
Banner of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Kannur
Is this even a News?
Any hanafi Muslims here?
Real Ex-Muslim
Muslims hate each other! | Stand up comedy by Mohammed Hussain
Supreme Court of Canada to rule on Quebec secularism law appeal request