Mark on captured enemy vehicles
Arma Refoger needs to improve squad communication and gameplay
A quick tip if you're struggling with carrier landings
Have we gone too far with the arsenal hate?
M60 Machine gun with missing pistol grip and fire control mechanism confiscated in Australia
Unpopular opinion: Lucy shouldn't be a detective
Melissa tends to play badass women of action.
Rank and title
What would science conduct research on if they could sacrifice human lives?
Game mechanics Suggestions
Radios and fast travel
Favorite tactics
Nightmare scenario
Drive by shooting
Just a PSA to all new players
Just finished first watch
Build living quarters before armory
Could this be the downfall for The Rookie?
What's the point of F-14s Anti Air Long Range loadout
What ships do you guys want to see added overtime by modders and by the devs themselves?
Does a RTS game experience make me a better SL?
Centre or side stick?
What game would you personally like to have in VR ?
Lonely Driver
Damn we nearly had starship troopers irl
A list of proposed amendments that didn’t pass (luckily)