Broken eagle
World kinda sucks right now, so what have you got going on in your life to be happy about?
What's something that's true but can't be proven?
Cant change difficulty
What do you hate the most about your morning routine?
Cant win
What do you hate the most about sleeping?
What is the most useless device you ever had?
What is clothes that you hated to wear growing up?
Arrow problem
Broken fight
What is a video game you hated so much you returned it?
What is a job you would never want to do?
Cant find
What is the worst beverage you ever tasted?
Does anyone have any tips to help me kill Drakon .? He keeps killing me and I’m at level 33 and on Easy . Thank you very much.
What about your butt makes you angry?
What subject in school did you hate the most?
What do you hate the most about bad breath?
What do you hate the most about zoom meetings?
What do you hate the most about school showers?
Impossible win
What is the worst customer service you ever experienced?