Can Yumeko be played in a pub?
Found some old shirts in the loft
Okay pitchfork…
What was your guys first eminem album?
Any Nobara copers left?
Why is Trinity also The One now? It’s called, “The One” not “The Two.” Wtf?
Wtf did I just find in r/hardimages
joe mazzulla, good or bad coach
How much do Animators generally charge for something like a animated Music Video?
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Should I wait?
why did he use the same verse for both Own Rulez and I Do Me?
Asked her to video before I picked her up, she hung up instantly then I text her "?"
Happened to a friend of mine today.
7 months later… I wonder how many girls he tried this on.
Nice try lol
I'm a man of my word
i cant even be upset if she unmatches
the sad truth is:
Should I give her another chance?
I’m still laughing at myself.
i love being a woman
Why do people swipe just to insult people?
anyway. here's this for a pt3. y'all chose whether or not I continue or not