What a stupid time to be alive right?
Adopt a puppy, assistance required
Are anime films ranked on the damage involved?
Puppies anyone, kindly reach if you'd adopt one
What's the worst lie you were told as a child?
Child Naming
What's the brokest you've ever been
Cigarettes or Weed
What superpower would you use if given a chance?
What is white privilege?
Are we truly eating healthy
How damaged are you
Body count getting out of hand and I cannot face it
How do you wanna die?
Liar liar
Noisy sgr neighbours bana
Noisy sgr neighbours a turn off or not
AIO or can I date my neighbour
AITAH for calling out my senior manager
Work and travelling
AITA nilimwambia atoke juu hanipei
Toxic Mum Chronicles