Let me rate your acc.ounts
How the fuck do you all have every good character I have been busting my ass and I only have dark Roger and kuzan, everyone has fucking garp which is annoying as hell
I played against kuzan 100s of times not getting his medal materials,how do I get it?, do I kill him many times or get killed by him many times?
I want the season to end now
Nah bro....... This is too much shame
Is this trait any gud?
Yooooooo 😄😅
Which one of these would get buffed next?
PSA: I gambled 1.2k gems and got nothing significant from Lanks banner.
Pls pls help me how to sign in to another Google account without removing the existing Google account from my phone, ,,,,,every time..😭😭😭
4 s snakes is diabolical!!
A useless information, Lilith is the 300th character in the game...