How to actually improve at TFT | From hardstuck to 1700LP rank 2 NA
Sphinx banned one tournament for Competitive Integrity
Did this set make you change how you play?
k3soju to drop out of TFT summit
Allegedly Cybernetic augments were bugged during Worlds. Units without items were getting Cyber bonuses.
Dragonlands Western Last Chance Qualifier Discussion Thread (starts when this post is 7 hours old)
k3soju leaked tech list 12.20
The Mental Game of TFT (and everything else)
Streamer AFK to play tft, then is toxic
Weekly Rant Megathread
Astral Cup Day 4 Discussion Thread (starts 1PM PST, when this thread is 3.5 hours old)
Mortdog Madness: Neon Nights Results
Gizmos & Gadgets World Championship Day 1 Discussion
3 Rules For Playing Flex | Guide by Mismatched Socks
Gizmos & Gadgets: North America - Finals Results
Rank 1 EUW Lev D Trotskij 6.5 PBE Tier/Comp List
Mid-Set Finale Day 1 Discussion
5 Storylines of the Mid-Set Finale | TFT Set 6: Gizmos and Gadgets
Zaun Cup Post-Tournament Discussion
Zaun Cup Day 3 Discussion
Mercenary Emblem Toggle
Too anxious to play mercs
k3soju's tips to improve as a player
NA Regionals Day 1 Post discussion thread