$30 Roller set from Dominican shop no blow out
Any good flicks featuring Kurt Russell?
How gory are the Terrifier movies
Tbvnks core
Newly into Rock. Can I get some song/artist suggestions for my playlist?
too short to begin journey?
What is your comfort show?
What’s a top tier Drake song you’ve never heard anyone else say they liked?
Can you go straight from an Afro to waves without cutting it?
Do Specific people trigger your social anxiety or anxiety attacks
At the moment, what is your favorite song by Drake? You can only pick one song.
top 10 drake songs?
What’s The Best Drake Duo?
Do you consider stuttering a disability?
People find me attractive until I open my mouth.lol
do guys like girls with saggy boobs ?
Liverpool hate thread
What’s a song that will always hit regardless of how mainstream/overplayed it is?
What’s a word you just fucking hate for no reason?
Can you really be lovable if you stutter?
My stuttering ruin my life...
20% EF 4 months ago. New MRI results this morning!
I feel bad for the guy on the left...
Vocal performances that make you do this...😖
Songs like “8am in Charlotte” and “The Shoe Fits?”