Am I wrong for being excited??
How do I overcome ghosting by interviewers
Should I not be excited yet?
Dude, I think getting a Cobalt programmer is easier than finding someone to do this.
So if tarrifs are all Trump's fault, why is China now also in a trade war with Canada?
What to do when a urologist you saw once and did 2 surgeries on you turns out to be a massive fraudster?
Can a stack of Meraki Switches connect to dual Meraki Core Switches for load balancing and HA?
Dating a Non-Jew who's willing to convert for Marriage
Newest AMD/ATI graphics card I've had since a 5650 I had in a laptop for 1 month before it died.
Right it's normal for bugs to be discovered in UAT?
I did a spit take when I got this. Medicare scam.
Shorts Can Run ETF Creation/Redemption Through NSCC For Insurance Backed By YOU! 🫵
I almost died reading this. This was posted yesterday on ZipRecruiter
NEW FINRA DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS FOR FEBRUARY JUST DROPPED: From June 2008 to August 2024, JPMS inaccurately reported approximately 820,000 short interest positions involving approximately 77 billion shares
So I just got rejected in final round for a MSP job because I wasn't a L3 technician, a sales rep, and a project manager all wrapped into the same package.
What happened to the 1% vs the 99%?
The 2^24 Theory – Glitch or Trade? Final Discussion. Software Engineers, get in here
5 day approval process for insurance to pay $4
@DashlaneSupport, please fix how Dashlane handles domains ending in
So I have a regarded theory that the bag hodlers of those Japanese carry trades are predominantly MMs which is why the markets since the rate increase go red every Monday now globally until they can unwind their positions, which they can't so that's why the MSM is lying about the reason.
When does an intro message become too long.
Had a really good IT interview with potential future colleague and hiring manager last week but since then basically crickets.
28 F4M Florida
Looks like Kenny needs some liquidity for an idiosyncratic shitty Short position to me 🤷♀️
Being brought on as a consultant for an overhaul of the network of a single building, 4k device high school.