Another vaccine denier who is being turned down for a heart transplant.
Calling all with a ΔF508 mutation!
My first AMD - is this spread OK?
This coverage OK?
But who will do the jobs Americans don't want to do?
A 10-Year Retrospective Pilot Study of Parenteral Diphenhydramine Use in Home Infusion Patients focusing on noncompliance/abuse
scared of everything
me when people stare at my medical devices in public (they/them only)
Make America "healthy" again?
Fasting with CF?
How do I go calorie deficit without dying?
Gigabyte x870i ice wont post bios after update
Lung Transplants: How many mg's of Tacrolimus or Everolimus are you on?
My fast journey from liberal Democrat to Conserative Republican.
How will treatment change due to government science budget cuts?
AIO GI nurse found my instagram and emailed me
Suffering really bad from ABPA
In a new lawsuit, 17 states sue to do away with 504 protections
Michigan Tipped Workers Bill
Smoking again
Does anybody since being immunocompromised have this issue?
Mass firings will heavily impact veteran population and local economy
What's the saddest song you've ever heard?
picc line bleeding?
200-300 Texans feared ailing of measles as disease spreads through state