Write the longest possible essay you can about your favorite character
Tell me a number from 1 to 604 and I'll assign you a song!!
Your crystal count is now the amount of days you have left to live. How do you feel…?
Friend Code Dump!
hello and welcome to my small TENMA TSUKASA shrine
Show us your pjsk merch collection/shrines!
hi hello welcome to my rui shrine where i worship the purple blob
Show me your crying partner
I miss Joseph (11). Not because he's gone, I just moved out of my house
Как вам сетап?
Put your cats in the comments and nobody gets hurt
Send me your wallpaper and I'll assign you a character
Загадка от Жака Фреско: найдите взаимосвязь между этими персонажами
Describe your favorite song only using emojis
Project sekai ship discussion#97 (Polyship edition) Fantastica Squad. What are your opinions on this ship?
поделитесь своими рабочими столами
happy birthday, my king
Which banner is/are you saving for?
Trying to get a hi from every subdivision(except North Korea ofc):Day 2
люди которые играют в секай ( на япе) как вы думаете что будет происходить в новом ивенте?
say hi to Joseph!
Earl Around the world project
I will write everyone's usernames on this paper and then color it with thier LGBTQ flags
I am Russian and I have 117 rubles