I sincerely want to know what you think about the final result
Little mountainside
Mid-Century oasis in upstate New York
Ophelia’s DNA results
My grandma’s house
Honest pay transparency: How much money do you make as a BCBA and how much experience do you have?
Reddit pls help. My 3y/o will not stop barking, like everywhere we go.
1,640 killed by Israel in Lebanon, including 104 children
Moving & want to make sure my plants do okay
Help with prayer plant
What Tortured Poets Track is your birth date track?
Little bugs
I can’t even figure out what this means
Prickly pear cactus done by Kevin Masopust at Spa City Ink in Hot Springs
She’s a beauty!
What is your favorite name song?
What are your top three favorite girl names from my long list?
Something’s sprouting
What is something that still hasn’t gone back to normal after the pandemic?
Who is a popular celebrity you just cannot find attractive?
Women who squirt during sex, do you pee before sex or have sex without peeing first?
My husband is the best man
What would you do with this varied platform in a loft?