an etymological question
What romanization standard do you follow?
Let's talk about astronomy!
A non exhaustive list of Turkic loan words in Hindustani, Hindi, Urdu
what is the equivalent of "yaar" and "abey" in your language?
What guides would you recommend to understanding Mātrika-based metering?
How can I get a strong and advanced hindi vocabulary?
Shameful how Wikipedia and some hateful people have tried to post fringe hateful things against great martyr like Shambhaji, at the same time, see how positively they write about the well researched tyrant Aurangzeb
People need dictionary first 😭
How does one go about with figuring out the approximate age of rivers, forests, & and other such bodies?
When did the Arabic ‘va’ become the Hindi-Urdu ‘o’ & is there anything more to it than both sounds being parts of ‘vao’ (و)?
Barring Hutatma Chowk, the Smruti Dalan & the various Anna Bhau memorials, do you know of any sites or memorials related to the Samyukt Maharashtra movement in Mumbai (or even in other parts of Maharashtra)?
Do you know of any Pashto loanwords in Urdu/Hindustani?
How to pronounce the Anusvāra & depict it in the Latin (English) script?