I (19M) think I like my best friend (20F)?
If you were suddenly 'healthy,' what's the first thing you would do?
Am I internally ableist???
The harder the stools the better
How much does a hemerrhoidectomy actually hurt?
drew my friend and i as tina and gene :)
What’s a favorite episode of yours that most people don’t like? I love Gayle making Bob sled
Who is your favourite character and why?
Why do most people here ship Zina? (Zeke and Tina)
louise fanart!!
Am i crazy or did this not actually happen in the bed and breakfast episode?
What's the best bobs burgers song and why is it electric love?
Im teaching a class on positive relationships and I figured that Bob and Linda would be a great couple to use to showcase a long-term loving relationship. Which episode would you use to show them at their best?
what episode is this?
"Where I'm from we call it buttle rubbies"