PvP nowadays:
What is the need for this?
Dragon user says im fake bounty while being the most unskilled 2.5m i've ever seen
Offers my beautiful people
My dear people, please offer
how the hell did this get me banned?
Scammer alert dont trade with him
How did everyone do on the solo raid?
What race should i get to v4
Youtuber Peco joined my friends private server
How can you be this mad over a v4 trial?
The best comeback to "pls [fruit name] it's my dream fruit"
I’m bored, what’s y’all’s FAVOURITE sword? (Design, not OP-ness)
They simply took my 4 Kitsune that I took so long to gather to try to get a dragon 👍🏻
Is it even possible to get pirate king title?
What happened to group damage?
Any offers?
I hate drag. Like why everyone who use it like this?
Anyone want to pair up and do a Levi Raid?
Which one is better
Dragon fruit rework was a mistake, no way to change my mind, so annoying, most spammy fruit ever and i hate it, it was a mistake, never should have reworked it. And everyone that's saying "skill issuie" are just dragon users. (Image Unralated)
Guys any tip to catch these damn runners
Anyone willing to do this?