Screenshot of my new oddworld project
Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus Were One-Hit Wonders - Change My Mind
i literally can't do anything (fyi this is an emulator and I don't have another game file) 💀
Endless Loading Screen
AC Mirage more mature than Prince of Persia Lost Crown?
Is Film Impact worth it? It's so expensive
Don’t know if this is the right place to post this. Trying to use OpenGoal
Brand new Xtar VC4 Plus (VCLS) charging at only 0120 mA
What is zombie army to sniper elite?
Psychisch krank und keine Freunde - würde das gerne ändern
Red Dead Redemption 2 on AW3225QF OLED. INSANE
Sniper Elite: Resistance Is Indeed an Game
A Cool Guide to the Different Types of Plugs Around the World
Peoblem with Rode wireless go audio gain
Resistance is a below average release compared to the other games
Physicists written by non physicists be like : 'I just discovered quantum fusion, let's travel to another dimension'
Kann noch jemand, seine Nase von innen mit der Zunge verschließen?
Mateos (Culcha Candela) Umgang mit Kritik
Unexpected outcome
Harry has got to be one of the cringiest protagonists I've ever played.
Does killing Hitler ever get old?
Despite preferring Jak 1 aesthetic, it still blows my mind how there is basically a generational leap in Jak 2 despite being less than 2 years and the same hardware.
Is sniper elite resistance deluxe ACTUALLY worth getting?
Culcha Candela wird zu einer Geburtstagsparty eingeladen und reagiert völlig normal darauf
what is jak's last name