Are you guys just scrapping every legendary you get now instead of trading it for the full scrip? Seems like it’s more worth it to try to roll box mods or learning mods than getting more scrip and buying another legendary
How do y'all like y'all's Warframes? Simple or Flashy?
Man i wish i could support the game but every cosmetic is so damn expensive...
Does anyone see the resemblance?
[Q] [Sister] Got my first one. Is she worth something? I’m on [mobile] and [xbox]
I wish they updated the avatars more frequently, which one do you use?
Fashion Frame Dump
Endgame sniper minion build giveaway
Fashion drop
22M+ Effective DPS Ice Strike Monk Giveaway
So I started playing today.
Let’s talk outfits!
Hot springs skin trailer and gott in himmel Hailey.😳
who is your favorite?
Is this normal??
[Nyx] Eleanor with lace bra
Do you think they will make the Ines grind easier
ines base outfit changed ngl i liked the old one better
[XB1 Price Check] I’m hoping all this is worth a Forest Scout Mask
After 131 hours i finally have 1
Devs this is just rude…
Vendor hopping feels dead
Something not right
Can anyone explain this death ? there were no monsters remaining other than the map boss.
[Excalibur] Reverse Flash