not even two months after meeting her and she's already my girlfriend
i may have made a mistake [oc]
arkveld scamming me out of an offset
arkveld might be peak
my dude understood the assignment
nothing on this bridge escapes the cheese
this is real guilty gear
don't worry may damage is still intact
arcsys, please keep armor on kara buster next week
first class ticket on PotemkinAirlines
it was a misinput, a misinput!
7900 XTX lifespan
ah you got counterhit, gg
altered astrologer's robe great for minimalistic look
Tell me your favorite weapon and let’s see if you get in
seems like rey dau can also use focus mode
mohg is my favorite base-game boss, simply peak
why are you mad at me mohg, what did i do
night's cav cheese transcends even randomization
what the hell is gideon made of? jell-o?
i love slayer guilty gear hes so silly
a date, perhaps (timelapse)
nagatoro's christmas gift
The Dragon vs. The Beast (No-hit Run)