Best restaurants
Covid caught me
Covid positive
Well it finally got me…
Free Adam Skelly
Iceland is open for buisness
Best way to visit Hierve el Agua
If you didn’t have to pay for the ingredients or clean up the mess, what would you cook more often or for a dinner party?
What is this?? It is not regular mung bean, it doesnt even seem to be the sprouts dehydrated because i googled that too... Im in Guatemala and its from a specialty distributor.
Was going ask if he needed reassurance or an ego boost... But i feel like we can be more hilarious than this...
Bed Bugs. Did I do this right?
Antigua? GC? Lake Atitlan? Tikal? so many options!
Best place in the world to go to reflect, relax and think about life?
Tayrona Park Colombia
Ideas for getting around San Blas? (Via Cartagena)
Best countries to visit in South America for a non Spanish speaker?
If you see a really sick/miserable looking solo traveler, go ask if they're ok and help if you can
"Some people have never cleaned a toilet in their life and you can hear it when they speak"
Didn't know Taylor Swift was Canadian
Does anyone know what these cards are and how to use them? I have them at my bar and I wanna play with them.
Solo female traveler planning a trip to Mexico
Okey so this guy in my dorm is snoring like I have never heard
Trip report: Iraqi Kurdistan
Transport from Oaxaca to Tuxtla on the 3rd of November. Is anybody going?
Germans of reddit. What are you taught about WW2 and what do you wish was taught that isn't?