England, Crashed work van today
What renal diets do you feed your pets with kidney disease? All the notable ones contain "various sugars". Worried about their dental issues.
Pet insurance for 6 cats
£2000 CT scan?
1 week old puppies have fleas?
Vets stating they cannot refund me £600
UK based advice request- total newbie, <£350, with occasional pets
Fed up with my vacuum (pictured) looking for something <£250 that can handle fur and big bits
Flea treatment is damaging the environment?
How do I fix my door handle- door suddenly won't open without turning the key all the way (when unlocked)
What is the best joint account for paying bills?
Dechonk on regular cat food instead of weight loss food?
Vets for Pets
Everyone that has 15+ y/o cats..
Why is my cat a fanatic for food? He doesn’t just LIKE food…he is CRAZY!!
Google is useless. anyone know the best DRY cat food?
Does anyone have any ideas why this kitten is doing this?
What are you desensitized to that would make most people go, “WTF?”
New kitten - pet insurance advice
Is my Pricing right?
I think I might have an idea, but I’m not sure. What is her cat breed?
there are pet doors which block only one of the cats of going outside?
Cat and Dog Insurance (older pets)
Cat piss on my bed Twice
Hills RD causing crystals.. help finding new food.