Anyone know of any farms selling bulk chickens, specifically chicken leg Qtrs in PA within an hour from here?
Please change how Vellen works in wild. I've been in this round for 18 minutes now and it's not the first time this happens
Into the Emerald Dream Bundle Giveaway! Win 1 of 50 codes for 60 packs, 2 random legendaries, and Ysera card back!
I made a public database and calendar for local events!
We're down to number two! After Syracuse, NY...
Erie now in second place for the snowiest city in the USA
Why aren’t protest events allowed on this sub?
The Battlegrounds shop is the worst ever
Where’s Mike Kelly?!
New Rogue Card Revealed - Mimicry
Can someone get PigmyLlama to get in contact with me ?
Erie Events Highlights March?
ELI5: How/why did humans evolve towards being optimised for cooked food so fast?
Good morning Erie, have a great day today!
Heating Company Suggestions
Plans for movable barrels, furnaces, containers, etc into Java?
Redstone noob here, is there any way to power each 4x4 on the lamps by the levers at the bottom?
So... is there any info about whether this card back is ever getting released?
Hoping for some help or leads in the right direction
ELI5: Why does Windows increase volume by 2 instead of 1?
Variable RGB Display Concept (survival friendly)
Scrolling text displays, 1st generation versus latest one
Brewing tea removes lead from water - Researchers demonstrated that brewing tea naturally removes toxic heavy metals like lead and cadmium, effectively filtering dangerous contaminants out of drinks.
Progressive Policies in the City
Photo op with Freddy Fazbear and crew this Saturday and Sunday 12-1 at Play Port!