Let’s try this!
Make it as obscure as possible
What is the most unfortunate last name you've seen someone have?
€22.84 (113.66 lei) from Lidl, Romania
Getting all 4 Wisdom teeth out.
What's the stupidest thing a BOY has said about a period you heard?
95.03 RON (€19.12), Lidl Romania
"Monsters at Work" season 2's villain is terribly developed
$237.78 Walmart - For 2 people lasts about 3 weeks ≠ Canadian
What does your store use for opening bags?
325.77 RON (about €65) from Kaufland, Romania
Show me your cat’s potential meme photo now.
I'm 42f, my skin is all of a sudden looking like this. Hallp.
What absurd, outright lie were you told as an excuse for the abuser's behavior? This could be both pretty funny and pretty sad. Dark humor and sarcasm welcome.
Do I really sound offensive?
[year 1 university] How to compute for rotation about y-axis without using f(y)?
Pickers Please Learn How to Bag
I Want To Learn Romanian So Badly
Can anyone identify this creamy white honey?
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Translate this to the last language(s) you were studying today. #5
Translate this to the last language(s) you were studying today. #4
Can anyone explain why it is "te plac" and not "îmi placi"? I thought "to like/a plăcea" always required the dative.
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Translate this to the last language you were studying today.