What was first Computer? (Mine was Commodore 64 circa 1988)
Wow! I must try this.
Putin & Russian Oligarch Crowd Laugh When Told He's Running Late for Trump Phone Meeting
Lana driving in cars with boys...
O ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) chorou ao falar sobre afastamento de Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP) da Câmara dos Deputados.
Homologação de Pneumáticos
What is the greatest horror movie?
I have cancer, docs say I’ll never be cancer free
What’s the first movie you think of when you see this?
Is Trump driving the US into a recession?
You gotta be a special kind of stupid that you are willing to burn down your own country just to own the libs
Some More Love From Our Canadian Brothers
The reason republicans hiding from townhalls!
Violent Rapist Conor McGregor holding a press conference in the White House
Name the car
What happens if 9/11 files are released and everyone finds out it was an inside job? What would happen?
Carro EV até 38500
Boots and cats
Healthy debate
The price of eggs...
No, you don't
Começou a campanha eleitoral
Everyone looks so done with Trump
Best "One for all" lens?