Guess what's been going on in my life for the last 4 weeks
So, what did you eat today Romans?
Need new music to listen to!
What's the biggest brain move you can think about in terms of marketing in aviation?
What is this flight?
Why is it flying so low? Please note that the Air Serbia nearby was flying at FL350
Do you think Rolling Stones' rankings are plain bs?
Gonna really miss this livery, one of my favorite photos I’ve taken of the A380!
What Rammstein song is it?
A couple friends of mine encountered this one night at the turnpike of a road. Any ideas what it could be?
All of Rammstein discography will disappear forever, but you get to listen to one last song. Which is it?
Ranking LIFAD songs!
What is the best ever intro to a song?
Another view of KAL’s new visual identity
TAP upgrade
What are some of the more conveniently located airports in the world?
What should I do?
MegaThread: DCA incident 2025-01-29
Orange guy's behavior
Trumps behavior
Visiting the cockpit + meals
A question for the pilots!
What's your favorite underrated Rammstein song?
whats yours?
POV: your watching your dad's flight playback (flying on an Ethiopian MAX) to see if everythings well and FR24 drops this: