Meg kell szoknunk hogy kint vagyunk az utcán
So happy that i've found this sport. (Danube near Budapest)
READ IT ALL - Two girls cheated on me - my first experience with locals in Budapest
How did I almost die today?
We Have a Ton of Natives Willing to Teach French for Free!
Kbc értékpapírok
Simple Exercise Plan?
I built a Tiny Studio, lonely, in 2 months with 200 USD | NATURAL BUILDING | TRANSYLVANIA WILD
Itthon mi a fenében lehet megtakarítást vezetni?
My boss got fired today. Time for a gut check on my FIRE options.
The myth of rational thinking: why our pursuit of rationality leads to explosions of irrationality
Can you be too financially independent?
Does anyone else have difficulty doing things alone? I'm not talking about going movies. I mean like working towards goals?
Most jobs are meaningless or even harmful to society and environment
Why do so few, who are capable of retiring early, choose to pull the trigger?
I want to quit my full time job
"If you're concerned about what people think about you. Just remember that one day, they will all be dead."
Cipő / ruhavásárlási kisokos
philosophy led me to absurdity and lack of meaning...
Some safe and simple exercises to do at home?
If the math and idea of FI/RE makes sense, why is it not taken seriously outside of the community?
Changing jobs to a lower tier job to reduce stress and impact on FIRE
Is just doing push-ups and ab rollers bad?
What is a book that you didn't think was good while reading it, only to realize it's greatness after you finished?