Anani sikiyim son donemlerde gordugum en kötü olaylardan biri amk kanım dondu kendimi surdan geçen bir çocuk olarak düşündüm ve of ne diyeceğimi bilemiyorum valla düşünmesi bile korkunç ne olacak bizim bu halimiz amk
Could someone please remove my brother's hand and maybe clean up the image? I need it for his obituary tomorrow.. Thank you.
The ‘souvenir’ list at a hotel I visited
Anyone have this wallpaper?
Find the letter M in Elmo's kitchen
Do people like simple wallpapers such as this?
Please clean this up and remove bunny ears. Will tip.
[request] is this problem wrong?
What are these types of wallpaper called?
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse
Can someone create a dark mode alternative with this same scenery?
Where were you when Trump was shot?
Has anyone this Wallpaper?
Setup today
Dark or Light?
My partner packs my lunch (for which I’m grateful) but he consistently packs old food that he insists is fine. Here is beef that was cooked 11 days ago.
Yapay zeka: Sıla - Yak gel
Yapay zeka: SILA - Yak Gel
İklim aktivistleri Paris Louvre Müzesi'ndeki Mona Lisa tablosuna çorbalı saldırı düzenledi.
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